
Friday, April 22, 2011



  1. Well Mr. Garnier, let me just say that we both had some pretty astonishing parents! Though my mom died while i was a young lady my father was there for a majority of the time for the beginning of my career when it was beginning to be molded! And though my father didn't necessarily agree with my occupation of choice, he knew I was possessed by this art and nothing could stop me from becoming big! And I admire the fact that you went along with what your mother thought was best for you! Because as we all know not enough men today or in the past listen to what women have to say! So I applaud you for that!

  2. The main similarities between us are that we are both involved in the performing arts even though you make the venues in which we perform. However both of what we do is ment to be looked at and adored. And we both did a very good job at it.

  3. The main similarities that we have realy is that we both live in Europe, and I'm quite sure hat we have made the most contribution to theatre performance!
